More people than ever before are getting behind the wheels of their vehicles under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Because they don’t have control of their cars or trucks, these people are likely to cause accidents if there are other vehicles on the road. It doesn’t matter if they are under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or heroin. The fact that their mind is in an altered state puts other motorists in danger.
The victims in a drunk or high driving accident are more likely to be seriously injured than the intoxicated person. This tends to happen because intoxication slows reflexes and, when a driver is drunk or high, they don’t tense their body prior to a crash. Although some intoxicated drivers are seriously injured or killed in accidents, many walk away while their victims are taken from the scene in ambulances. Because the responsible party is typically arrested after a crash, a victim might need to hire an auto accident attorney in Norfolk, VA to represent them for their insurance claim.
Fatalities are common when it comes to impaired driving. Intoxicated drivers get on the wrong highway ramps and hit innocent victims head-on at highway speeds. Drivers high on heroin sometimes fall asleep while driving and don’t even know what happened until they wake up in custody. For the family members of the victims, these types of crashes can be particularly upsetting. Unlike crashes that are true accidents, intoxicated driver fatalities are truly senseless. An auto accident attorney in Norfolk, VA may help a victim’s family get the compensation they need to cover their loved one’s final expenses, take care of their minor children, and move on with their lives.
Recovering from injuries after a car accident can take some time. If someone is seriously injured or dies in an accident involving an impaired driver, an attorney from Price Perkins Larkin may be able to help them get the compensation they need to cover medical treatment and other expenses related to the crash. It’s important for a victim to talk to an attorney right away to preserve their rights.