Auto Accident Attorneys in Lacey WA help clients who have been injured when another driver is responsible for a collision due to negligence or carelessness. They negotiate with the driver’s automotive insurance company to achieve a fair monetary settlement for each client. Personal injury lawyers usually work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they accept a percentage of the settlement instead of requiring a retainer or hourly fees.
Aspects of Compensation
At the least, the insurer should be liable for the injured person’s medical bills and lost wages as well as for repairs of vehicle damage or a replacement of the vehicle. That is true whether the vehicle in question is a bicycle or a Porsche sports car. Depending on the situation, Auto Accident Attorneys in Lacey WA also may include a request for compensation for non-economic aspects like physical pain and suffering or emotional distress.
The goal behind personal injury cases is essentially threefold. The lawyer wants the clients to be provided with enough financial compensation to pay all bills during their recovery time. Another goal is to make the person’s life somewhat easier so the victim can move forward, which is especially important when effects of the injury will be long-lasting or permanent.
A third goal is to send a message of sorts to discourage drivers from behaving in a negligent manner. A driver who has caused an accident because of carelessness or recklessness may find his or her insurance is canceled or the policy is not renewed on the next scheduled date. It may be difficult to buy automotive insurance for the next several years, and the rates are likely to be high.
Collision Causes
Vehicle collisions are common, and often the cause is inattention, fatigue, unsafe behavior, or another factor that relates to the legal concept of negligence. A driver who travels too fast on a slippery road raises the risk of an accident, and so does a person who reads text messages while moving in traffic. The collision can be a relatively minor fender bender or a much more serious incident. Visit Putnam Lieb Potvin Attorneys online today for more information.