There is no doubt an individual has grounds to file a personal injury suit. Prior to talking with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Lafayette LA and arranging for the suit to be filed, the responsible party was less than cooperative. After being notified of the pending court action, the responsible party is now interested in seeing if some type of arrangement can be made. This is where the support of the lawyer will make a huge difference. Here is how the legal counsel will protect the interests of the client.
Projecting Factors Related to the Settlement
There is a lot to consider when it comes to determining how much money is needed to take care of expenses stemming from the injury. The Personal Injury Lawyer in Lafayette LA will take into account the medical expenses that have already occurred. Allowances must be made for any loss of income due to the injury. That includes time taken away from work for hospital stays, recovering from operations, or leaving work for physical therapy. If the nature of the injury will leave the client with a limited capacity to earn a living, future expenses must also be taken into account.
Taking the Lead at the Negotiations
While it’s fine for the injured party to be present at the negotiations, it pays to leave the proceedings in the hands of the lawyer. Questions should only be answered with the recommendation of legal counsel. If there is the need to confer, it’s easy enough for the lawyer and client to pull away from the table and talk in private. Remember that the lawyer understands the nature of the injury and what a court is likely to award in the way of a judgement. That is a powerful tool that can be used to ensure the client receives the best outcome at the end of the negotiations.
If an injury has taken place and a specific party is responsible, visit today and arrange for a consultation. Doing so will ensure the client has the right type of support during a settlement negotiation and has a better chance of receiving enough compensation to maintain a reasonable quality of life. You can also visit them on Google+ for more information.