Criteria to Use When Selecting a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Kutztown, PA.

by | May 30, 2020 | Lawyers

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The time may come when an individual needs to hire a criminal defense lawyer in Kutztown, PA. Numerous things will be running through this individual’s mind, such as how much this is going to cost and what penalties they are facing. The selection of an attorney may not be of great concern, but it needs to be; all attorneys must represent their clients to the best of their ability, but this is where the similarities end. For this reason, a person needs to know how to go about choosing someone to represent them in their criminal case. Following are some things to look for during this selection process.

Choose an attorney who handles criminal matters on a routine basis. Although it’s nice to have an attorney that can be called on for anything, the old saying about a person being a jack of all trades but a master of none should be remembered here. The key is to find someone who knows the legal system and all parties involved. Someone who handles probate matters for the most part and only takes on criminal cases when a current client needs help in this area may not be appropriate. He or she doesn’t work with prosecutors on a daily basis and may not be familiar with the other players in the case, which can make a difference in the outcome.

Learn if the attorney works in federal or state court primarily. Some charges are at the federal level, yet others are a state matter. Individuals need to determine what they are being charged with in this situation and hire an attorney with experience in these courts. The reason for this is federal courts tend to be more formal, deadlines are stricter, and sentencing guidelines are unlike those seen in state court. The attorney needs to be familiar with these and other differences.

Visit Law Offices of Paul S Missan if you need a defense lawyer in Kutztown, PA. This firm works to protect the interests of their client while securing their freedom. The initial consultation is free, thus anyone charged with a crime should call today. There’s nothing to lose in this situation and a great deal to gain.