When you suffer an injury on your job, you realize that it could very well end your career. You fear not being able to earn an income to support your family. You also worry that you will have no way to pay your mortgage, utilities or other expenses to live independently.
Rather than live in fear, you can take legal steps to recover costs that you incur as a result of your accident. You can win compensation that you are entitled to by hiring one of the workers compensation lawyers in Vero Beach, FL, to represent you.
Filing a Claim
The workers compensation lawyers in Vero Beach, FL, who represent you will start your case by filing a claim against your employer’s workers comp insurance policy. This claim will set in motion the process for winning benefits that you need to sustain yourself and your family for the immediate future. The insurer could owe you money from lost income, medical expenses and other costs that you have incurred.
By having your lawyer file the claim for you, you are less likely to meet with resistance or arguments from your employer. You also avoid the risk of suffering retaliatory measures like being fired from your job. Your lawyer can act as your advocate during the upcoming legal process.
You can find out more about hiring workers compensation lawyers in Vero Beach, FL, online. Contact Matheson & Horowitz to set up a free consultation with an attorney or go to visit us website for details.