Fair Compensation With Help From A Car Accident Lawyer in Hollywood FL

by | Sep 15, 2016 | Lawyers

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There were over three hundred thousand car accidents in Florida last year. Over two hundred thousand injuries occurred due to those accidents. In each of those cases which involved an injury, there was most likely an insurance claim for damages related to medical costs and personal property damage. Many of these claims were paid for with no kind of issue. The victim most likely received a fair settlement and recovered from their injuries without having to pay for medical costs out of pocket. Unfortunately, some of those victims did not receive fair compensation and ended up either paying to repair or replace their vehicle out of pocket or had to pay for medical treatments on their own. Accepting a settlement that doesn’t cover the full cost of damages is a huge mistake that far too many victims make.

With help from a Car Accident Lawyer in Hollywood FL victims can avoid making this mistake and instead seek fair and reasonable compensation for their damages. Service providers such as the Law Offices of McCullough & Leboff P.A. can help victims step by step in the claims process. The first thing to do is to determine the extent of injuries suffered. Long-term medical treatments are expensive, and there’s no telling how extensive treatments will be without a proper diagnosis. Next, it’s important to determine the full extent damages to personal property. Car repairs aren’t as expensive as some medical treatments, but completely replacing a vehicle can be. The lawyer will help determine the full value of the damages and help the victim pursue a claim that reflects those damages.

By working with a Car Accident Lawyer in Hollywood FL victims will be able to determine just how much compensation they deserve and if necessary, fight in court to enforce their right to fair and reasonable compensation. In some cases, the responsible party or their insurance provider will deny the claim for compensation and a lawsuit must be filed. This is where a lawyer’s services are most valuable. With an aggressive and experienced attorney, victims stand a much better chance of being awarded fair and reasonable compensation in court.