Personal Injury Law Firms In Hollywood FL Will Fight For Your Rights

by | Jan 12, 2017 | Lawyers

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Personal Injury Law Firms in Hollywood FL are needed to protect a victim’s rights and get the best settlement possible. Attempting to negotiate a fair settlement with an insurance company alone is almost impossible. Their personnel are highly-trained in twisting everything a victim says or does. A lawyer will be the voice of the victim and only give them the necessary information they need. It is important for an injury victim to be open and honest with the attorney and follow-through with any type of medical care that a doctor prescribes. Keeping a diary of the limitations an injury victim suffers is also very beneficial if the case goes to court.

Serious injuries from an accident can include broken bones, head injuries that include brain damage, permanent scarring or disfigurement, nerve damage, the loss of a limb and much more. Someone doesn’t have to be the driver of a car to file a claim for injuries they received in an automobile accident. Any passenger in the car can file a claim. It’s very important that someone seeks medical treatment immediately following an accident and that they don’t tell the officer on the scene they aren’t injured. This type of information will be documented in a police report and can be used later against a victim.

Serious injuries can result in someone being in the hospital for several days to several weeks. They may require months, years, or a lifetime of medical care or assistance. Personal Injury Law Firms oin Hollywood FL will fight hard for their client’s rights to a fair settlement, including payment of medical bills and loss of wages. Pain and suffering can also be compensated as well as personal property loss. A case can settle before it has to go to trial. If this doesn’t occur, the attorney will be well prepared to present the case to a jury or a judge.

The Law Offices of McCullough & Leboff P.A. represents many clients who have been the victim of someone’s negligent act. They will continue to fight for their clients while they recover from their injuries. It’s important a victim focuses on healing while the lawyer takes care of all of the negotiations with the insurance company.