For people convicted of certain types of criminal offenses in the past, the impact of those public records can cause problems for the rest of their lives. One possible way to minimize that impact is to talk with an expungement attorney in Burlington, VT and see what can be done. Here are some of the questions a client will want to ask.
What Is Expungement?
As the expungement attorney in Burlington, VT will explain, this is a legal process of petitioning the court to seal arrest and conviction records. When a record of this type is sealed, it is no longer available to the general public. Since the information about those events is no longer readily available, that past mistake will not come back to haunt the client.
What Sort of Criminal Records Can Be Expunged?
While the range of criminal activity that can be expunged will vary from one state to the next, it is not unusual for arrest records and any records related to misdemeanors to be eligible. Felonies are not generally considered eligible for expungement, although there are rare cases in which a court has granted the request.
Can Anyone Have Records Expunged?
Not everyone will meet the qualifications set by the court. For example, the individual must have served the time set for the crime and have completed any parole period. Keep in mind that courts will take into consideration any extenuating circumstances, meaning that if the party can provide the court with a good reason to shorten a parole period, it may be possible to proceed with the expungement.
How Does the Client Benefit from Expungement?
A criminal record can make it harder to obtain employment and may be cause for denying an application for an apartment. By seeking to have the record expunged, the information about the arrest, conviction and sentencing will no longer show up in the public records used to complete routine background checks. From this perspective, an individual who had a single brush with the law and paid the debt to society does not have to continue paying for the offense in the years to come.
For anyone who would like to know if expungement would help, contact Jason J. Sawyer, Attorney & Counselor at Law, today. It will not take long to see if those old records can be sealed and cause no more problems for the client.