In Indiana, personal injury laws allow victims to file a lawsuit when they are injured by another party directly or indirectly. However, the laws also allow the defendant to present their side of the story to the court. A Personal Injury Defense Lawyer in Columbus IN helps defendants fight against false allegations.
Defenses in Medical Malpractice Cases
The purpose of a medical malpractice case is to prove that the doctor failed to provide a proper duty to the patient. It must show that the injuries were due to negligence or were caused by a deliberate act. The injuries cannot be listed among the risks disclosed to the patient before a surgical procedure. If the patient failed to follow orders, it is possible for the doctor to avoid liabilities. For example, a patient that continued taking blood-thinning medications prior to surgery is liable for their injuries if excessive bleeding is linked to the injury.
Defense in a Dog Attack
No victim that broke the law prior to the attack won’t receive compensation. Trespassing, home invasions, and animal cruelty are the most common crimes linked to a dog attack. If the victim is found guilty, the judge can throw out their case.
Premises Liability Defenses
The common example showing that an intruder fell on a knife while breaking through the skylight and receives compensation is not valid. Even though he or she sustained an injury, the injury occurred due to a home invasion which is against the law. The only way that someone could collect after falling through a skylight is if the owner was liable for property damage that caused the fall. A contractor that is aware of the precarious skylight and chooses to climb onto the roof and walk around the installation cannot sue the owner.
In Indiana, personal injury laws apply to medical malpractice, dog attacks, and premises liabilities. Each of the circumstances can provide the defendant with a chance to share their story. The victims must show that the defendant caused their injuries to get compensation. Defendants who need assistance in an injury case contact a Personal Injury Defense Lawyer in Columbus IN at Alcorn Sage Schwartz & Magrath LLP or browse the website right now.