The Role Social Media Plays in Custody Disputes in Lee’s Summit, MO

by | Jan 28, 2020 | Lawyers

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If you ask any child custody law lawyer in Lee’s Summit, MO, what they think about social media in relation to their cases, they’ll probably reply with an exasperated sigh. Social media is a relatively new phenomenon in our society, but it’s quickly becoming the bane of attorneys’ existences.

To help you ensure that you don’t damage your child custody case due to bad behavior online, here are some facts and tips you should know concerning the role social media plays in custody disputes.

Posts Can Be Evidence Against You

These days, when people are stressed they’ll often vent their frustrations in the form of a post on Facebook or Instagram. While this might feel cathartic, it can have disastrous legal repercussions. Your ex-partner can easily use these posts to try to make you look bad in court.

Your Lawyer Has a Plan

In family court cases, sometimes it can feel as if things are moving at a snail’s pace. However, your lawyer has a plan and a strategy for getting you the justice you deserve. When you choose to bash your ex-partner on social media, you’re making it harder for your attorney to do his or her job.

When it comes to social media and child custody cases, the best advice is to keep everything offline. If you’re dealing with a child custody dispute, you need a child custody law lawyer in Lee’s Summit, MO, who will fight for fairness. Visit the Dana Outlaw Law Office for more information.

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