If someone has been injured or suffered an illness in any kind of accident and they were not at fault, they have the opportunity to seek remedy with a personal injury lawsuit. If the injury or illness occurred in Virginia, the parties must ensure that they know all about how the laws work in the Commonwealth for personal injuries. There are accident lawyers in Virginia Beach, VA who help clients involved in accidents. Here are some of the critical things that clients should always keep in mind when filing a lawsuit.
Accidents of any kind are no fun, and if the person has been injured through no fault of their own, there surely should be some compensation. If a lawsuit is going to be pursued, the injured party should realize that Virginia allows two years from the date of the accident for the injured party to file the lawsuit in a civil court. If the injured party fails to do so, the chances of the lawsuit being heard in court is gone, and so is the collection of damages that might have been received.
Very few states follow the contributory negligence rule, but Virginia is one of them. The rule is so harsh that if the insurance company or other parties find that the injured party was partly at fault for the accident, no damages at all will be awarded. Anyone involved in an auto accident in Virginia also needs to understand that motorists may not actually have insurance, as long they pay the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles the $500 uninsured motorist fee. This could be quite complex if the injured party is in an accident with such a person.
Price Perkins Larkin are attorneys who serve clients in the Eastern Virginia area. For more than 36 years, they have been practicing law in personal injury cases such as car accidents, medical malpractice, slips and falls, and other similar accidents. They maintain that personal injury is their focus. If anyone is in need of personal injury and accident lawyers in Virginia Beach, VA, they can get more information by visiting website.