About one-third of all marriages will end in divorce. According to the latest studies, divorce is on the decline. People are marrying later in life, which improves the chances of married couples staying together. If your marriage is part of that one-third, dissolving your marriage doesn’t have to be a major battle.
Make the process easier by hiring an experienced divorce attorney in Chattanooga, TN. Find one who offers a consultation to go over the details of your case with you. Before you meet with any potential lawyer, be prepared, and make sure that you ask the following questions.
What Is Your Approach to the Divorce Process?
This question is one that you probably didn’t think of at first. Some divorce attorneys like to consult with the court about every little detail, while others only feel confident going to court and appearing before the judge. Make sure that your attorney’s strategy is one that you feel comfortable with.
What Services Do They Offer?
If you and your spouse have no children or property, then the process is simpler. If your case involves child custody, alimony, or property division, a divorce attorney will help you with those issues. Be sure to give the lawyer all of the details of your case so that they can offer you every service that you need.
What Are Their Fees?
Most law offices require you to pay a large retainer fee before they will take your case. When they finalize your divorce, they will send you the bill for any fees remaining. Some offices, such as the Teeter Law Office, will start your divorce with a low down payment. They let you make monthly payments that are affordable so that you won’t be surprised in the end.