What Happens When You Hire an Accident Lawyer in Annapolis?

by | Sep 7, 2017 | Lawyers

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Auto accidents occur so frequently, individuals have a one in four chance of being involved in one in their lifetime. When an accident leaves behind serious injuries, it behooves the victim to seek legal help from an Accident Lawyer in Annapolis. An accident lawyer will help their client receive the fair compensation they are entitled to for their injuries and damages.

Getting Started With a Consultation

The first step in the process of pursuing compensation is seeking a consultation appointment. At this appointment, the injured party has the opportunity to discuss how their accident occurred and what injuries they suffered. It is imperative the victim is able to share as many pertinent facts as possible, so the lawyer will be equipped with the information that is necessary for forming the case.

It is important injured clients bring in the following:

• The accident report

• Medical bills

• Medical records

• Correspondence from the insurance company

• Videos and photos

• Pertinent documents

How Do Lawyers Help Injured Victims?

An injured person has the right to pursue compensation from the one who caused the accident. Although the victim can work with the insurance company alone, this is not recommended. Trying to pursue the insurance company alone can lead to great frustration and a low settlement offer.

If the victim has a lawyer representing them, there will be less of a chance of being offered a lower settlement. The insurance adjuster does not want their company being taken to court so they will try to do all they can to accommodate the requests of the lawyer.

Sometimes, the only means of pursuing fair compensation is through a lawsuit. A lawsuit can allow an injured victim to present their case to the court, so a judge or jury decide on liability and the level of compensation.

Call Right Away

If you have been injured in an auto accident that was not your fault, it is your right to seek legal help with your case. To schedule your consultation appointment, contact the office of Jaklitsch Law Group. Allow them to help you through the process so you can receive a fair outcome in your pursuit of compensation.