Anytime a person is bitten by a dog or some other animal, there is a possibility of a personal injury lawsuit. In some states, the owner of a dog that attacks and bites a person is allowed the “one-bite” rule, meaning the owner can get a break if there were no knowledge or reason to believe the dog would attack. Connecticut is one of the states that does not subscribe to the one-bite rule, so the owner is always liable for what the dog does. A dog bite lawyer in Norwich, CT helps victims obtain the settlement they’re entitled to.
Filing a Dog Bite Lawsuit in Connecticut
In Connecticut, a dog bite or any other personal injury lawsuit must be filed in a civil court in the state within two years from the date of the injury. If the victim fails to file the lawsuit within this time, the opportunity to have the case heard will be gone as well as the chance to be awarded damages. The victim must pay close attention to this deadline to avoid going away empty-handed.
More About a Dog Bite Lawsuit in Connecticut
A rule in Connecticut allows the dog’s owner to use the comparative fault rule, which means that, if the victim is found to be any part at fault, the percentage that person is found at fault will be reduced from the damages. If the victim is found to be 50 percent or more at fault, no damages will be awarded to the victim. It is important for the victim to get a lawyer who can minimize the potential of this happening.
A Law Firm for Dog Bite Cases in Connecticut
A person is bound to find many law firms willing to represent clients for dog bites and other personal injury cases in Connecticut. The Law Firm of Stephen M. Reck and Scott D. Camassar LLC represents clients in dog bite cases and other personal injury cases in Norwich. If a person needs a dog bite lawyer in Norwich, CT, this law firm is available. Visit the website to get more information.