Being seriously injured by someone else’s reckless behavior can be a life-changing event. First, the person receives emergency medical care and may need ongoing treatment and therapy for quite some time afterward. This person has no idea when it will be possible for them to return to work. Dealing with the insurance company can be pretty overwhelming. An accident injury attorney in Macon, GA provides legal representation so the client can focus on healing.
A Frequent Cause of Injuries
The most frequent cause of injuries in this country are vehicle-related accidents, whether with cars, pedestrians or cyclists. A driver who loses control of the vehicle during a severe storm or when swerving to avoid a deer may injure a passenger in the car. All of these unexpected incidents may lead to serious consequences.
Relevant Statistics
Statistics show that injured individuals who have professional legal representation are paid higher settlements than those who do not. The amount they receive is higher even after subtracting attorney fees. This information alone makes it clear why scheduling a consultation with an accident injury attorney in Macon, GA is a smart idea. In addition, the lawyer takes over the reins of the case, so to speak, freeing up the client to concentrate on other important matters.
Financial Hardship
Depending on the circumstances, this person may have thousands of dollars in medical expenses that are not covered by insurance. The policy may have a high deductible and co-pay amount. In addition, if the incident was a vehicle collision, there may be thousands of dollars in property damage as well. This individual may not have had collision coverage on the car in an effort to keep insurance costs low.
Free Initial Consultation
Not everyone needs an accident lawyer. During a free initial consultation with an organization like Edwards & Bullard Law, people can learn whether it would make sense to have an attorney provide legal representation. The insurance company may be disputing the claim trying to pay an unreasonably low settlement. These are two of the most common reasons why injured people hire lawyers for assistance.
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