Car Accidents Attorney In Brighton CO Will Protect Your Legal Rights

by | Nov 21, 2019 | Lawyers

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When an individual has been injured by a careless at on the highway, they need to have their legal interests protected against the insurance company. The insurance company is not interested in helping the victim and will aggressively fight to protect their interests. A victim needs car accidents attorney Brighton, CO to protect theirs. An attorney immediately begins protecting a victim and fields the calls from the insurance company attempting to gain information.

A victim should never allow the insurance company to record a telephone call after an accident. The insurance company uses these calls to get information about the victim without the victim knowing. They will have someone who is very kind and is a good listener to determine if the victim would settle quickly. If the individual mentions needing money for bills or being unable to work, the insurance might offer a quick settlement that is less than a victim is entitled to.

Paying For Legal Representation

The last thing a victim wants to do is pay an attorney for legal representation after an accident. The best thing about a Car accidents attorney Brighton, CO is the victim never has to pay them out of their pocket. These types of attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. The attorney will receive a portion of the settlement if they win the case. The percentage they receive will be discussed during a free consultation.


Serious injuries will cause a higher settlement. An attorney will never give a victim the exact amount of compensation they could receive. Serious injuries are broken bones, brain damage, permanent scarring, and death. A victim could receive compensation for lost wages, medical bills, pain, suffering, personal property loss, and much more. If a victim passes away from their injuries, funeral benefits and the loss of future wages will be included in a wrongful death claim.

The Richard Blundell Law Offices has many years of experience protecting victims’ rights against an insurance company. They’ve obtained many settlements on behalf of victims in the Brighton, CO area. For more information about the legal service they provide for accident victims, please visit us website.