Colorado Springs, CO Military Attorneys Represent Clients in Divorce Cases

by | Jul 5, 2024 | Law Firm

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Colorado Springs is home to both U.S. Army and Air Force bases. Although signing up for the service provides many rewarding opportunities, the divorce rate among military couples is significantly higher than that of the general public. Military attorneys in Colorado Springs, CO are available to help clients through this difficult experience.

Relevant Statistics

On an annual basis, nearly 5% of married military couples get divorced. That’s a noteworthy contrast to the 2.5% annual divorce rate of civilian couples. Researchers have identified factors that could be making married life more problematic for military members.



Military couples tend to marry younger than civilian couples on average. Some marry much sooner than they would have otherwise because one has signed up with the Armed Forces. They might even decide to wed so that they can have military marriage benefits. This means many marry soon after graduating from high school. Teenagers who marry are nearly twice as likely to eventually divorce as people who wed later.


Another factor is long deployment, during which the military member is away on duty and the spouse continues to live at home. In addition, active duty can put substantial stress on troops and result in relationship problems after returning. Research also shows that infidelity is more common during deployment. Military attorneys in Colorado Springs, CO represent clients who have decided it’s time to end the marriage.

People facing divorce benefit from skilled legal representation to protect their interests. Information about Marrison Family Law can be viewed at