Hire A Social Security Disability Attorney

by | Sep 13, 2016 | Legal Services

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Applying for social security disability is not an easy process. The Social Security Administration (SSA) wants to make sure applicants meet the criteria. Specifically, people qualify for social security disability insurance (SSDI) when they cannot do gainful work. SSA defines gainful as the ability to earn $1,070 per month. Moreover, the disability must be terminal or expected to last for 12 months. In addition, there are work-related requirements. For instance, getting benefits is based on how long an applicant paid into the system. Additionally, some of the work must be in a certain time period prior to getting sick.

A Social Security Disability Attorney will explain that SSDI is not for everyone. Some applicants should file for SSI. SSI stands for Supplemental Security Income. This benefit is paid partially by the federal government and the state. Indeed, it is for people who become disabled but did not pay into the system. Eligible applicants are blind, disabled or age 65 and above. Further, applicants must be low income. Individuals are allowed to own a home, car and $2,000. Approved individuals usually receive $721.00 per month in benefits. Couples receive a little more. SSI recipients may also qualify for food stamps and Medicaid.

It is wise to have a Social Security Disability Attorney to help apply for benefits. The majority of people are denied initially. People who are denied initially may ask for a Reconsideration. Representatives of state agencies review each applicant’s file. If one requests a reconsideration, a different person will handle the review. After a second denial, the attorney may request a hearing. The hearing is held before an administrative law judge.

SSA usually brings a vocational expert to the hearing. The vocational expert is expected to testify that the applicant can perform some type of work. This is one of the unfair things about the process. No one can judge how someone feels when they are sick. The last thing a sick person wants to do is work as a parking lot attendant. These lawyers make sure each client has their day in court. You can also follow them on Twitter for more information.