Whether you have been injured on the job, or due to someone’s negligence, it is important to hire an experienced attorney. If you are unable to work due to an illness or injury, you could be eligible to receive Social Security Disability (SSD). The Allen Law Firm has a knowledgeable staff who can help you through these legal areas and achieve success in your legal case.
Not being able to work and receive a steady income to pay bills can cause a lot of anxiety. When an individual is injured, and in pain, the anxiety increases the stress the individual is under. When they hire an experienced attorney, the stress will be reduced, and the individual can focus on healing instead of fighting with an insurance company.
Workers’ Compensation
When a worker has been injured on the job, they should get the help they need from an attorney to file their claim and fight for the compensation they deserve. Employers will try to force an employee back to work or deny their claim. The main reason employers do this type of thing is that they want to keep their insurance rates as low as possible.
An employee should never believe the employer when they tell the employee to drop their medical bills off, and they will pay them. Most workers find that the employer does not submit the bills to the insurance company and the worker never receives their pay. With the help of an attorney, they will get everything they are legally entitled to.
Social Security Disability
If an individual is unable to remain gainfully employed, they could be entitled to receive Social Security Disability (SSD). Filing an application for disability can be difficult, and if any information is missing, their application will be denied. There are a series of procedures that must be followed when a denial occurs, and the Allen Law Firm can help you through this process.
The laws change quickly, and with the help of an experienced attorney, you will have a much better chance of winning your case and receiving the compensation you deserve. Spending your time recovering from your illness or injury and let an attorney do the work.