Most people charged with driving under the influence of alcohol do not hire a lawyer unless they are facing near-certain penalties that could seriously disrupt their lives. There is no single answer as to whether it will be advantageous to hire a DUI Attorney in Kutztown PA since every situation is different. Consulting a lawyer for insight on the matter is reasonable, though, even for a first-time offender.
What type of potential consequences lead people to feel they definitely need a DUI Attorney in Kutztown PA?
Mandatory Jail Time
Drivers who have a second conviction of DUI within a certain time frame face mandatory jail time. If the blood alcohol content was anywhere from .10 to just under .16, the law mandates 30 days in jail. The individual may be free during the day on work release, but many people cannot imagine how they will manage under these conditions. In addition, a judge has the discretion to order the person convicted to stay behind bars for six months.
License Suspension
Second convictions mean the driver automatically loses the license for a full year. The person may be allowed the privilege of driving during certain hours of the day to get to work and back, but this restriction can be very limiting.
Impact on the Job and Reputation
Even with a first conviction, some workers face losing their jobs. They may drive for a living, and their company may prohibit any DUI incidents even when employees are not on the job. People who have been planning to run for public office, such as a seat on the school board or municipal council, will find a DUI conviction to be a significant setback.
A charge of DUI can cause emotional turmoil for the person who has been arrested, even if it’s only the first offense and the penalties may be relatively low. The individual may wonder what friends and family will think. Having to pay substantially higher car insurance rates for several years is troubling. Seeking a consultation at an organization such as the Law Offices of Paul S. Missan is advisable. Click here to get started.