Whenever a person gets charged with a crime, the worst thing to do is trying to handle the case alone. It would be the same as finding out that cancer is present in the body and trying to take care of it oneself. The best thing to do is call, in the case of a crime, a professional criminal lawyer. The way crimes are prosecuted will vary from state to state, so it is good to be at least minimally aware of what the possible penalties are for the crime charged with. A criminal defense attorney in MD lets clients know what they are up against.
Most states have the same protocol when it comes to dealing with crimes. However, Maryland is known to be extremely tough on drug-related crimes. If the person is convicted of driving under the influence (DUI), the penalties will be stiffer than when convicted of driving while impaired (DWI). For example, a first offense DUI can carry up to one year in jail and a fine of $1,000 while, for a DWI, the jail term can be up to two months with a fine of $500.
If the person gets charged with a DUI or DWI and a child was in the vehicle, the penalties go up even more. Jail time for the first DUI offense can be up to two years with a penalty of $2,000. Jail time for a DWI first offense can be up to six months and include a fine of up to $1,000. In addition to these penalties, the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration may impose points on the driver’s license and may also suspend the licenses for any DUI and DWI violation.
Marc A. Zeve PA Attorney At Law has been representing the legal interests of clients involved in a criminal charge for over 25 years in the state of Maryland. Criminal charges such as domestic violence, drug charges, bench warrants, and all other criminal activities are handled. If a person needs a Criminal Defense Attorney in MD, he or she can call upon the law firm or visit the website at Domain URL.