Three Benefits to Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer in Bellingham

by | Jan 22, 2019 | Lawyers

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When a person is injured in a car accident, their primary focus should be on their recovery. Too often, the injured person is plagued with worry about paying for medical bills, finding another source of transportation, and returning to work as soon as possible. When the injuries and the stress are too much to handle, it may be best to retain a car accident lawyer. Three benefits of hiring a car accident lawyer in Bellingham are professional case investigation, insurance company negotiation, and fair settlement determination.

Professional Case Investigation

One benefit to hiring a car accident lawyer is the professional case investigation. A car accident lawyer can be counted on to fully investigate the case to determine all of the factors that lead up to and were part of the car accident. This can help to definitively establish fault, as well as to identify and address any issues that would prevent an insurance company from approving a claim.

Insurance Company Negotiation

Insurance company negotiation is another benefit of hiring a car accident lawyer. It can be difficult for an individual to file a claim and negotiate with the insurance company on their own, especially after being involved in a traumatic car accident. The car accident lawyer will deal directly with the insurance company so that the individual involved in the car accident can have a stress-free recovery.

Fair Settlement Determination

Another benefit of hiring a car accident lawyer is the fair settlement determination. Oftentimes, insurance companies try to provide the lowest payout possible in order to save money. It is not uncommon for the individual injured in the accident to accept this offer because they do not know better or they do not want to deal with the hassle of figuring out a fair settlement. A car accident lawyer is fully equipped with the knowledge necessary to determine a fair settlement amount and request that amount from the insurance company.

The Allen Law Firm can provide a professional and experienced car accident lawyer in Bellingham. Whether professional case investigation, insurance company negotiation, fair settlement determination, or all of the above is needed, a lawyer can help. They have extensive knowledge of the law and can navigate the trial preparation process.