Tips from Experienced Veterans Benefits Attorneys to Aid Disabled Vets

by | Sep 25, 2020 | Attorneys

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Our courageous veterans have already done their part in keeping this country and its many citizens safe. Now, it is time for American citizens to help those veterans that have one or more disabilities that keep them from working a meaningful job. Take these tips from experienced veterans benefits attorneys in New York to aid disabled vets today.

Find Out Who to Contact

Most of the government programs for vets are handled through local offices. This makes it a challenge for disabled veterans to locate the correct contact information in order to inquire about the possibility of filing for needed and eligible benefits according to leading veterans’ benefits attorneys from New York. Doing this for them can help them connect with the right department able to meet their current and future needs.

Offer to Go with A Veteran to Necessary Eligibility Appointments

Some disabled veterans do not have access to a car to get to necessary eligibility appointments like doctor’s appointments and case review interviews with veterans’ benefits specialists. It can help to offer to go along with a veteran who is struggling with a disability and might not have close family members nearby able to assist. Public transportation can be difficult for some disabled vets to navigate.

Get Connected with Local Veterans Groups & Programs

Knowing that others are going through the same thing can help. Contact Jackson & MacNichol Law Offices.