Reviewing Charges And Penalties With Theft Defense Lawyers

by | Jul 22, 2016 | Criminal Lawyer

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In Kansas, the penalty for theft charges applies according to the total value of the property or services stolen. The prosecution must provide clear evidence that links the defendant to possession, sale, or distribution of the property or service to acquire a conviction. Theft Defense Lawyers build an effective defense for individuals facing these charges.

Theft of Property or Services

Theft of property or service that doesn’t equate to more than $1,000 is considered a Class A misdemeanor charge. The penalty for this charge is a jail sentence of no more than one year. The state will impose a fine that won’t exceed $2,500. Common occurrences that fall under this classification is the presentation of a worthless check.

Property Between $1,000 and $25,000 in Value

A theft charge involving property that ranges in value between $1,000 and $25,000 is a level 9 felony. The penalty for this charge is a prison sentence ranging between five and seven months. The fine imposed is linked directly to the exact value of the item stolen. However, it will not exceed $100,000. This could include occurrences in which an individual steals property from retail stores. This could involve a seventy-two-hour window in which property was stolen from multiple locations.

Theft of Property Between $25,000 and $100,000 in Value

The theft of property that ranges in value between $25,000 and $100,000 is a level 7 felony. The prison sentence for this charge ranges between eleven and thirteen months. The convicted individual pays a fine of no more than $100,000.

Theft of Any Property Exceeding $100,000 in Value

Any theft of property or services that exceed $100,000 in value is classified as a level 5 felony. The penalty for this charge includes a prison sentence between thirty-one and thirty-four months. The convicted individual pays a fine of no more than $300,000. These penalties are based on a record that doesn’t present any previous theft charges.

In Kansas, the penalty for theft charges is based on the value of the property of service stolen. It is also based on whether or not a lethal weapon was involved. Individuals who face these infractions should contact Theft Defense Lawyers by visiting for more information today. You can follow them on Twitter.